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2018-10-12 16:02:35  来源:网络整理





  1, It 's often _________ here in winter. It _______ yesterday. There was a lot of ________. (snow)

  2, Was it________ two days ago? Yes, it ________. (rain)

  3, This morning , Liu Tao ______near the llake. He often_____in the morning. (jog)

  4, Where _______ my shoes? They ______ under the bed.just now. But they _______ there now. (be)

  5, I _______(go) fishing last Sunday. I ________(catch) a big fish.

  6, My cousin ______(buy) a new piano yesterday. Listen, he______(play) the piano.

  7, Mike and I ______(vista) the farm last weekend. We ______(take) a lot of photos.

  8, How ________your uncle go to work? He usually _______(go) to work on foot. But it ________(be) late this morning. He _______(go) to work by bus.

  9, My classmates like _________(fly) kites. I'd like _________(fly) kites with them.

  10, Mike _______(get) a new camera on his birthday. He ________ (show) it to _________ now .(we)

  11, I _________(look) for my coat just now . But I ________(can) not find it.

  12, Look, the boy_____________(wear) a blue jacket. He________(look) very cool.

  13, Could you ________(hold) onto the balloon a moment ago? No , I couldn’t, The balloon _________(fly) away.

  14,Did you _________(lose) your pen yesterday? Yes, and I ________(lose) my book, too.

  15, Yang Ling _________(dance) beautifully. She __________(dance) just now .

  16, Last Saturday, my grandma _________up the hill. She often _________ the hill with my mother.(climb)

  17, Shall we _________(meet) at four this afternoon? OK.

  18, It's the twenty-ninth of December. New Year's Day __________(come) soon.

  19. _______ there any juice in the glass ? No , but there ________ some in the glass just now.(be)

  20. The weather _________(become) hot. We could _______(swim).


  1, Liu Tao went to Shanghai three days ago.(改成一般疑问句)


  2, We usually eat a lot of nice food at Spring Festival. (将划线部分改成last Spring Festival)


  3, Mr Brown shouted just now. (对划线部分提问)________________________________

  4, Mike went to the park by car this morning.(对划线部分提问)


  5, The new clothes was nice. (对划线部分提问)__________________________________

  6, The flowers were beautiful. (改成感叹句)___________________________________________

  7, My mother usually gets up at seven in the morning. (对划线部分提问)


  8, I wanted to go to the clothes shop. (对划线部分提问) _________________________

  9, I was in the hospital last night. (改成一般疑问句)


  10, There were some fruit on the plate an hour ago.(改成否定句)












  7.Bobby 会为端午节做粽子。___________________________________________







  1. What day is it today?(周三) ________________________________

  2. What day was it yesterday? ________________________________

  3. What’s the date today?(10/1) ________________________________

  4.What was the date yesterday? (9/30) ________________________________

  5.What’s the weather like today? ________________________________

  6.What was the weather like yesterday? ________________________________

  7. How do you go to school? ________________________________

  8. How did you go to school last Tuesday? ________________________________

  9. What did your mother do yesterday evening? ____________________________

  10.What did your father do last weekend? ________________________________

  11. When’s National day? ________________________________

  12. When’s your birthday? ________________________________

  13.In Unit 1, was the king foolish or clever? ________________________________

  14.In Unit 1, Why did the boy laugh at the king? ____________________________

  15.In Unit 2, what did they bring to the park? ______________________________

  16.What do you usually do at the weekends? _______________________________

  17.How does your mother spend her weekends? _____________________________

  18. Did your father wash clothes yesterday? ________________________________

  19. Could you draw nice pictures when you were two years old? ________________

  20.When’s Teachers’ Day? ________________________________

  21.What are you doing now? _______________________________

  22.In Unit3, where did Liu Tao go for the holiday? __________________________

  23.In Unit3, What did Liu Tao do in Shanghai? ____________________________



  1. 过去和现在 then and now 六年前 six years ago

  2. 不会写字 could not write 做很多事情 do many things

  3. 二十年前 twenty years ago

  4. 写信给他的朋友们 write letters to his friends

  5. 用电话机给人打电话 use the telephone to call people

  6. 家里和办公室的电话机 the telephone at home and in the office

  7. 一部手机 a mobile phone

  8. 随处给人打电话 call people anywhere 写电子邮件 write emails

  9. 他也写电子邮件 He also writes emails.=He writes emails too .

  10. 三十年前 thirty years ago 迈克的爷爷 Mike’s grandpa

  11. 听收音机 listen to the radio

  12. 看报纸获取新闻 read newspapers for news

  13. 阅读和观看新闻 read and watch news 在网上 on the Internet

  14. 看电子书 read e-books在学校交朋友 make friends at school

  15. 从商店里买东西 buy things from shops 全世界 all over the world

  16. 来自世界各地的网友 e-friends from all over the world

  17. 在网上购物/网购 do shopping on the Internet

  18. 贴两张照片 stick two photos 努力工作 work hard

  19. 每天 every day 我的表弟 my cousin 在度假 on holiday

  20. 美国人(复数) the Americans (口诀:中日不变,英法变,其余+s)

  21. 发明飞机/火车 invent the aeroplane/train

  22. 英国人 the British/the Englishmen 一节英语课 an English lesson

  23. 朝窗外看 look out of the window 听我说 listen to me 继续 go on

  24. 今天是星期几? What day is today?=What day is it today?

  25. 你会拼写它吗? Can you spell it ? 变得生气 get angry

  26. 用“鸡蛋”造一个句子 make a sentence with ‘egg’

  27. 吃一块蛋糕 eat a cake “鸡蛋”在哪儿? Where’s the ‘egg’ ?

  28. 等待答案 wait for the answer 复习一般过去时review the simple past tense.

  29. 一岁 one year old 三岁 three years old

  30. 贴一张你自己的照片 stick a photo of yourself

  31. 比较过去时和现在时/抚今追昔 compare the past with the present


  1.过去和现在 then and now

  2.……以前 ago

  3.使用 use

  4.电话 telephone

  5.办公室 office

  6.移动电话,手机 mobile phone

  7.随处,到处 anywhere

  8.收音机 radio

  9.报纸(可数名词) newspaper

  10.新闻(不可数名词) news

  11.观看 watch

  12.电子书 e-book

  13.交朋友 make friends

  14.全世界 all over the world

  15.购物 do shopping

  16.电视 TV

  17.朝……外看 look out of

  18.继续 go on

  19.仍然 still

  20.今天是星期几 What day is today?

  21.拼写 spell

  22.造句 make a sentence

  23.用 with



  (1)could引导的一般过去时的否定句,在could之后加not:could not=couldn’t

  Six years ago, I could write.(否定句)

  Six years ago, I couldn’t write.


  Mike could read and draw.(一般问句)

  Could Mike read or draw?


  They could ride a bike.(对画线部分提问)

  Could they ride a bike(用do what替换) ?

  What could they do ?



  动词原形 三单形式 过去时 动词原形

  三单形式 过去时

  read reads read draw draws drew

  write writes wrote do does did

  use uses used call calls called

  have has had listen listens listened

  watch watches watched make makes made

  buy buys bought eat eats ate

  fly flies flew get gets got

  go goes went take takes took

  work works worked invent invents invented

  look looks looked talk talks talked

  wait waits waited ride rides rode


  4、有关今昔对比作文的写法:Unit4 Then and now其实参照的是高中英语中的作文基础写作,采用过去和现在对比的方式,教会孩子如何写作。围绕的话题是“Changes in our life”,也可以说是“Compare the past with the present”,让孩子学会写作格式的同时,理解一般过去时和一般现在时的不同之处。句型:1、…years ago …now… 2、句型:This was me years ago, I was I could I couldn’t Now, I .



  1) Chinese, Japanese国人单数复数同形,不需加s。(还有 Swiss(瑞士人)

  2) Englishman, Frenchman复数要把man 变为men。(Dutchman(荷兰人)也是)

  3) 其他各国人以–an, -ian收尾的均直接加s。如:Americans, Australians,,Germans等。


  Unit4 写 write wrote

  阅读 read read

  制造 make made

  买 buy bought


  Unit4 听 listen listened

  发明 invent invented

  使用 use used


  (1) He also writes emails.= He writes emails too.

  (2) What day is today?=What day is it today?


  in the office at home,

  listen to the radio read newspapers for news

  on the Internet buy things from shops

  make friends at school from all over the world

  on holiday look out of the window

  go on make a sentence with ‘egg’

  wait for the answer stick a photo of yourself

  compare the past with the present


  an email, an e-books, an e-friend, an English lesson, an egg.

  补充:an American, an answer, an angry teacher, an aeroplane,


  以上就是小编为大家整理的英语丨2018-2019学年度上学期六年级期中复习重点,同学们还有其它学习上的问题,可拨打爱智康课程免费咨询热线电话:4000-121-121 .那里有专业的老师为大家解答。




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